Using Entity Framework Implementation Of Asp Net Identity 20 For Sqlite
I suspect it’s just like anything else — if you’re not exposed or familiar with something then it’s uncomfortable or confusing. Also, the samples are meant to show feature by feature and they’re in MVC. Perhaps the MVC code is not familiar, so apologies .
You now have a new data context class that represents an object-based version of your application’s database. Although the scaffolder generates most of the code you need, it is necessary to update your project to complete the process. When you run the Identity scaffolder, a ScaffoldingReadme.txt file is created in the project directory. This file contains general instructions for completing the Identity scaffolding update. You’ve seen that the application can register and log users in and out. However, it does not currently have the components necessary to permit you to customize this process.
When we create the email confirmation controller action you can just copy that email confirmation url and have the email verified (we’ll do that after the roles). At this point, if userCreatingResult.Success is true, the user is already created. However, if you were to check newUser.EmailConfirmed it would return false. It is possible to generate the database programmatically . This way if you want to share your project with someone else, they won’t have to run dotnet ef database update before being able to run the project.
Claims Management
Nice piece – interested what your view on this is in 2016 – for .net – and for the new .net core. // This is a standard place where you can register your ClaimsIdentityFactory. Oh and just to clarify — yes, I’d argue that v1 of ASP.NET Identity was unusable from a security perspective. I don’t consider this bad by it self, but it is VERY bad when you throw everything you had so far and invest everything left on a new adventure that might fail miserably. The purpose to add more info into claim, is to avoid go to db to fetch them, just to get them from Claim,which in turn , get from cookie.
- ASP.NET Core Identity is a membership system which allows you to add login functionality to your application.
- For simplicity I have added the TenantId as an int however a non-iterative alternative would be to use a string.
- The files were created in the Area folder and a LoginPartial was created in the Pages/Controllers folder.
- It also has Errors Property which returns the list of errors.
- I suggest that you take a look at it and maybe you want to write a 2.0 review.
- Like you say, it’s pretty much a work in progress and there’s no way I can use it on a real world site.
Open your email inbox, open the “Confirm your email” email, and click the link in the email to confirm your email address. By clicking the link, your web application will be opened in a new tab and say “Thank you for confirming your email.”. You’ll be running a couple commands in this tutorial, but if you prefer using an IDE, there should be equivalent actions for Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider. Open your preferred shell to follow along with the provided commands. A secure page (Secure.cshtml) that required an authenticated user will render the logged in user’s claim in the page. The logout page was scaffolded to allow modification (located in Areas/Identity/Pages/Account/Logout.cshtml).
For the web applications, they want their UI to match their site, and not some other app. You know they are helpful to start quickly, then you customize and change them based on your need. With this introduction to the basics of the membership system, let us come to know more about the ASP.NET Identity library. Use dotnet ef dbcontext list to get the name of the context that is registered in startup.
Setting Up Asp Net Core Identity
Additionally Entity Framework Core .NET Command-line Tools need to be installed, guide here. It is also a really good idea to back up your database containing users at this point. @spencer741 That explanation stands mostly when the claim is from an external resource. E.g, imagine you logged in using Facebook via OAuth, the claims will describe you as the subject, not what you can do. But when you use Claims in your application, They can merely be Key-Value pairs that allow you access to the certain resources based on the value provided.
So if you’re looking for an alternative you can get it here. Really the main bulk of code that Microsoft has provided for us in this new framework is the persistence code (via the EF-specific implementation). What we really needed was a framework that solves the hard and complicated problems related to identity management. I’m on the fence about this – I can imagine scenarios where users would only login with an external identity provider and thus never have a local password. But if this is your scenario, I don’t see much point in the ASP.NET Identity system. You have innumerable ways to store data anyway you want to without tying yourself to the ASP.NET Identity system APIs.
I have used the SQL Server library, but you can find the corresponding library for other types. Also, I will scaffold the default views offered by ASP, but you can use your custom views or you can modify the scaffolded views. To install ASP.NET identity service in your application add the NuGet package from Nuget Package Manager or from Package Manager Console.
I thought this was the whole point of using a security framework; someone else who supposedly knows what they’re doing is has already has done all the complex security work. This should have been implemented by Microsoft with an iteration count property instead. But this also leads to the potential confusion as to where should a role be kept.
We will also see some other features of this middleware in the next few chapters. The Identity framework supports the Entity Framework and all of the databases that can work with the Entity Framework. We can include as many additional properties as we want on this class to store information about our users. A user of the system is represented by the user object where a user object contains the basic authentication of a user by a user ID and word.
A User Manager is a class that allows you to manage users. ASP.NET Identity must be enabled before the specified configuration options can be put to good use. This is done through a straightforward call within theConfiguremethod, which, likeConfigureServices, is also found in startup.cs.
This means we can take full advantage of the default UserValidator and extend it if necessary. Extending from the default Core and Entity Framework packages of ASP.NET Identity we can add a new claim for the concept of Tenant Id. With a bit of work we can use this claim to allow for duplicate usernames within a single ASP.NET Identity database.
Personally I think the claims implementation in ASP.NET Identity is a little confusing. We can add custom properties to our user class (like we did with AppUser.Country) but these aren’t actually made available as Claims. There’s little guidance on when we should store additional user information as properties and when we should use Claims.
Create The Example Project
Allow the scaffolder to override all of the code in the RCL, and let it build a new data context class as well as a new user data class to easily explore these additions. It tells the application that you want to activate user authentication for secure access, and you want to use the configuration options specified in the ConfigureServices method. This line adds authenticationmiddlewareto the request pipeline. After you execute the above command, the tables to store users/roles were created. We need to load the IdentityUser using the user’s id.
Brock Allen covers this in more detail on his blog. So to answer the question when should I use claims-based security? For example, in the night club scenario, it’s too hard to put customers into roles, so you use claims-based access control based on their age as confirmed by their ID (e.g. a driver’s license).
At the moment they’re all seperate which might be nice from an organisational point of view but seems like a quick way to kill a database will tiny in-efficient hits. Indeed nowhere in the VS2013 project templates do I find Claims code. Thanks to you all at ThinkTecture for your productions that help me understand how to add Claims to the templates.
Identity Tables
Then pass the class in the constructor of UserManager. It is the IdentityDb and the UserStore that work together to store user information and validate user passwords, the hashed passwords that are in the database. The UserStore is the class that our code will talk to create users and validate user passwords. This framework allows us to add features where users can register and log in with a local password. A Role object represents a user role where the IdentityRole class provides this basic role.
Duende IdentityServer was configured in Startup.cs with the necessary information about the client application, and the OIDC scopes it would be requesting. Finally another project was added which acts as a OIDC client application to exercise the OIDC login capabilities. This sample shows using ASP.NET Identity with Duende IdentityServer. The intent was to show the least amount of code needed to get a working sample that used Microsoft’s ASP.NET Identity user management library. Much of the rest of the code in this template is similar to the other quickstart and templates we provide. This adds cookie-based authentication to the request pipeline.
Configure The Connection String In Appsettings File
But you can implement your own UserStore to work with any data source. We are going freelance asp net to focus on the scenarios where a user can register and log in and log out.
This is possible if we are using forms based authenticaiton and store each step verification in user’s session on server and call token end point after second step. Also, with the identity framework I now have to have my domain assembly reference Entity Framework and Identity Assemblies. This is a huge problem with all the people that roll their own membership providers. All too often, they also implement their own password hashes, rather than using the Membership class supplied ones .
I’m on the fence weather it’s worth it to bolster their library. Also, as you suggest, their design might not lend itself to all of the features MR has. One of the complaints with the old membership system was the leaky abstractions. So many APIs might not be implemented and your application had to know which APIs it could and couldn’t invoke on the membership APIs. This meant you were forcing yourself to adhere to an interface contract without the benefit of the interface abstraction. I’ve been complaining for a long time that the default password hashing from Microsoft only performs 1000 iterations.
Adding Roles As Claims
We’ve also added the StaticFiles middleware, which has to be before MVC. And also blog about it and link to the new post from this one. Another bonus would be to let folks know whether your IdentityReboot project is still relevant for v2.1+. The GroupService isn’t mandatory for using the identity management features of MR — it’s just icing on the cake. This was my number one resource in getting a good, non-biased overview of AspNet.Identity and it’s capabilities before diving in.
There are default implementations of these interfaces that use Entity Framework 6. When you choose “Individual User Accounts” in the new ASP.NET templates in Visual Studio 2013 you will get an IUser implementation in a class called ApplicationUser. Any custom data you’d want stored on your user accounts would be added to this class. Given EF’s support for POCOs, this extra data on the user account class will simply be mapped into the database with little effort on your part.
For a claim to have practical value, it must come from an entity the application trusts. If that’s not acceptable, there’s other inheritance strategies you can implement, namely TPT (Table-Per-Type) and TPC (Table-Per-Concrete Type). In TPT, the base, shared properties go all in one table and then each subtype has its own table with just columns for the properties it adds. In TPC, every class gets it’s own table for everything, so each of your individual subtypes would have all of the Identity columns added.