Short Films

Miracle Child is centered on three very special, lovable children.
David, born genetically normal, is now a fourteen-year-old emotionally disturbed African-American boy. A negative environment that included a lack of parental guidance caused him to have a nervous breakdown at the tender age of ten. David's recovery is slow. His environment has not changed, but education is now positive stimulus.
Aishah, on the other hand, was born with Down Syndrome and has significant heart defects. She has had several strokes and is unable to attend public school. Despite respiratory problems, she has a zest for life. She is smart and surrounded by love in a positive environment. A miracle keeps her alive - an oxygen tent on which she depends.
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Anwar, a youngster in the 7th grade, was diagnosed with Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder. He is an energetic, bright child who needs medication to help him function properly in a school setting. He was placed on Home Instruction because of a broken finger.
Ms. Hatcher is dedicated to teaching, motivating, and understanding the needs of her students. Her focus is based on education, balanced with fun.
This documentary film will examine and address the issues surrounding the needs of these special children - from a parent's, teacher's, and school psychologist's point of view.
This film will show the areas in which Ms. Hatcher travels and teach these special children - all with different needs in different environments; each one is a Miracle Child.